I'm a developer from Ireland with a lifelong passion for technology. Fascinated by designing and building projects from a young age, I pursued a degree in Computer Systems at the University of Limerick. I'm driven by the continuous exploration of new opportunities and technologies.

Wildlife Explore - Mobile App

An Android Studio mobile app with a Python backend, designed in Figma. It features a social media system for posting and engaging with animal images, a Bestiary to track encounters, and Google Maps integration for global post locations.
Android StudioXMLJavaPythonFigma
PrepMe - Web App

PrepMe is a Next.js application that generates customized MCQ flashcards for interview preparation. With full login functionality and dynamic routing, it tailors questions to the user's profession by querying the OpenAI API, providing personalized and effective interview prep. This project showcases advanced web development techniques and AI integration.
ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSOpenAIFigma