



I'm a developer from Ireland with a lifelong passion for technology. Fascinated by designing and building projects from a young age, I pursued a degree in Computer Systems at the University of Limerick. I'm driven by the continuous exploration of new opportunities and technologies.


September 2020 - May 2024

Computer Systems


During my studies, I developed a robust foundation in computer science, gaining in-depth knowledge of software development, computer architecture, and project management. In my second year, I was honored with the prestigious Huawei Seeds for the Future scholarship, recognizing my academic excellence and potential. This scholarship further fueled my passion, culminating in graduating with First Class Honours.

June 2023 - August 2023

Digital Verification Intern


I took on the dynamic role of integrating intricate systems within our environment. With a sharp focus on innovation, I successfully facilitated the seamless integration of complex systems, leveraging my technical expertise and problem-solving skills. This experience allowed me to further develop my ability to navigate multifaceted challenges and collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.

May 2022 - January 2023

Software Developer Intern


My responsibilities included developing applications, researching, and fixing a wide range of technical issues. I approached problems and created new solutions while proactively learning about new technologies and programming languages. This role honed my technical skills and adaptability.

August 2017 - January 2018

I.T. Consultant Intern


As part of a team of engineers and technicians, I collaborated on providing technical assistance and support to customers. Through this experience, I gained valuable insights into the operations of a small business and deepened my understanding of its inner workings. This role enhanced my problem-solving skills.


GymPet - Fitness App

An engaging mobile application built with React Native, designed to motivate users through a virtual pet leveling system. Created using Figma for design and NativeWind for styling, the app features smooth UI interactions powered by Reanimated and captivating Lottie animations. GymPet emphasizes consistency, allowing users to create, start, track, and review workouts. The app employs Zustand for state management and Firebase for anonymous authentication, supporting a fun leaderboard to track progress and compete.
React NativeFirebaseNativewindZustandReanimatedFigma
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Hotel Reservation System - Web App

HRS Logo
Sophisticated project featuring a full-stack application, easily deployable via Docker containers. The frontend, built with Next.js, interacts seamlessly with a Spring Boot backend. Implementing various programming patterns within the MVC architecture, the system supports user logins, room reservations, and a loyalty program offering discounts. Additionally, there is a dedicated staff section providing detailed insights and management capabilities. This project showcases a robust integration of modern frontend and backend technologies, emphasizing scalability and user experience.
ReactNext.jsSpring BootJavaDocker
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Wildlife Explore - Mobile App

Wildlife Explore
An Android Studio mobile app with a Python backend, designed in Figma. It features a social media system for posting and engaging with animal images, a Bestiary to track encounters, and Google Maps integration for global post locations.
Android StudioXMLJavaPythonFigma

Animal Kingdom - Web App

Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom is a LinkedIn-inspired web app built with Laravel and styled with TailwindCSS. Designed in Figma, it features animal-themed profiles, skill listings, job postings, and applications, powered by a robust Laravel PHP backend and MySQL database. This project uniquely blends fun and professionalism for a distinctive networking experience.
LaravelTailwind CSSPHPMySQLFigma
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PrepMe - Web App

PrepMe is a Next.js application that generates customized MCQ flashcards for interview preparation. With full login functionality and dynamic routing, it tailors questions to the user's profession by querying the OpenAI API, providing personalized and effective interview prep. This project showcases advanced web development techniques and AI integration.
ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSOpenAIFigma